Animal Alliance of Greater Syracuse

Animal Alliance of Greater Syracuse logo

Services Provided

  • Feasibility Assessment

The Animal Alliance of Greater Syracuse is an all-volunteer organization composed of animal advocates who are dedicated to making Central New York safer and more humane for animals and the people who care about them. They had a Strategic Plan, but were struggling with implementation. SWB Consulting Services was engaged to work with the Board of Directors to help focus their efforts to achieve the previously identified goals.

Visit the Animal Alliance of Greater Syracuse website





Cazenovia Preservation Foundation

Cazenovia Preservation Foundation logo

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

The mission of the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation is to protect historic, agricultural and natural resources in and around Cazenovia for the benefit of the community. The organization, which is an accredited Land Trust, assists with historic designation, conservation easements and protection of agricultural land for privately owned properties. It also owns many acres that have been donated, on which it manages a recreational trail system. The Board of Directors had successfully implemented a Strategic Plan for 2019-2023. SWB Consulting Services worked with a dedicated Steering Committee to develop a new Strategic Plan for 2024-2028. We used a widely distributed community survey and two Board Retreats.

Visit the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation website



RISE logo

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning
  • Revenue Diversification
  • Organizational Development

RISE advocates for and facilitates economic independence and community inclusion for refugees and immigrants through education, employment, social support and service navigation. Refugees and immigrants are empowered to become independent and productive members of society who enrich their new community while maintaining their cultural identity. SWB Consulting Services facilitated a multi-session strategic planning process with the whole Board of Directors and staff Leadership Team over six months. Separately, we have remained engaged with RISE to help with a number of implementation activities which are ongoing.

Visit the RISE website



CazCares logo

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

CazCares is a food pantry serving the Cazenovia School District and western Madison County. This is a mature organization with two staff members supported by about 30 program volunteers. The Board of Directors is dedicated to the mission and provides effective governance. SWB Consulting Services facilitated a year-long process with a Strategic Planning Committee and facilitated a Board Retreat with the whole board. In addition to the surveys and interviews we usually conduct, this engagement included brief in-person interviews with people coming to CazCares to pick up fresh foods for their friends and families. This engagement included a succession plan, as the long-time Executive Director had announced a plan to retire.

Visit their website



Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York

Northeast Farming Association of New York logo

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning
  • Capacity Building

NOFA-NY is a state-wide membership association that was struggling to cope with the impact of the pandemic on their educational and fundraising programs when they contacted SWB Consulting Services. The agency has a bifurcated organizational structure required by organic food certification regulations. The focus of this planning project was to align the two boards of directors with a common mission and vision, and to better integrate the two sets of programs/staff members for more efficient operations. After some virtual focus groups, surveys and interviews, the two volunteer boards met at a rustic conference center for an all-day retreat facilitated by SWB Consulting Services. This group was so motivated, several of the Action Steps in the Strategic Plan were already completed by the time the written plan was formally adopted.

Visit their website

Ardent Solutions

Ardent Solutions logo

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

Ardent Solutions, based in Allegany County, had a strong strategic plan in place from 2017 that needed updating. They had worked with a Nonprofit Lifestyles Coach previously and chose to remain with this paradigm. For this engagement, SWB Consulting Services used a survey and interviews to develop questions for a board retreat. An all-staff retreat was held over the summer and the board of directors met with SWB Consulting Services again in the fall to finalize the strategies and tactics. We also worked with agency leadership to develop a detailed multi-year action plan.

Visit their website

Preservation Association of Central New York

Preservation Association of Central New York Logo

Services Provided

  • Capacity Building

SWB Consulting Services worked with members of the Board of Directors of this all-volunteer organization to improve their communication with members and the general public in their five-county service area. This engagement consisted primarily of upgrades and content development for their association management software. We also helped with event promotion, fundraising, and a quarterly newsletter. This project was provided in collaboration with eKamria.

Visit their website


coarc logo

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

This was a multi-year, organization-wide strategic planning project for coarc (Columbia County Chapter of The Arc New York). The process included several retreats, focus groups, surveys and interviews as well as regular meetings with the leadership team over the course of the planning process. We gathered input from community members, the board of directors, leadership staff, middle managers, direct service staff, people served and their families. The organization ultimately agreed on several key initiatives and published a brochure outlining the Strategic Plan to the community. SWB Consulting Services collaborated with the Columbia County Healthcare Consortium for this project.

Visit their website

Veterans Health Research Institute of Central New York

Veterans Health Research Institute of Central New York, Inc.

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

Veterans Health Research Institute of Central New York, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation within the structure of the Veteran’s Administration. Most of the board member positions are mandated by the organization’s corporate structure, which is different from a typical volunteer board of directors. SWB Consulting Services worked with the Executive Director and board members to set some goals for the future and also to change the dynamics of the board meetings so that the members could become more engaged with the research being sponsored.

Visit their website


Herkimer County HealthNet

Herkimer County HealthNet

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning
  • Revenue Diversification

This was a short-term engagement to assist a NYS-funded Rural Health Network. The Executive Director had resigned and there was an Interim Director in place, but this was a temporary solution. The Board of Directors sought guidance and examples from other Rural Health Networks to plan their future. They hired a well-qualified Executive Director a few months later.

SWB Consulting Services has been invited back to explore additional funding options.

Visit their website



Donald McFee Memorial Ambulance Service

Donald McFee Memorial Ambulance Service, Inc.

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning
  • Capacity Building
  • Grant Writing

Donald McFee Memorial Ambulance Service is a nonprofit stand-alone EMS that services central Oswego County. SWB Consulting Services worked with the Operations Manager and the board of directors to craft a presentation that they would use with each of the five municipalities they serve to request additional funding in their 2020 budgets – and beyond. They were successful in all five Towns. Using the Nonprofit Lifecycles™ approach, we facilitated a board retreat to identify capacity strengths and needs. Subsequently, SWB Consulting Services assisted McFee Ambulance with grant writing.

Visit their Facebook Page

East Hill Family Medical, Inc.

East Hill Family Medical, Inc.

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

SWB Consulting Services facilitated a full-day Board/Staff Leadership Strategic Planning session for the East Hill Family Medical federally qualified health center in Auburn, NY.

A board-involved Strategic Planning session is a requirement of the federal government Health Resources and Financing Administration [HRSA] which partially funds health centers. This session included board members, medical providers and center administrators, some of whom had never met prior to this session. A mix of large and small group activities engaged the participants who generated a rich mix of short, medium and long-term goals.

Visit their website

Health Foundation of Western & Central New York

Health Foundation for Western & Central New York

Services Provided

  • Planning Grant

SWB Consulting Services worked in collaboration with Healthy Community Alliance and A2 Associates to implement a planning project regarding a Community Health Exchange that included several Fellows from the Foundations leadership development programs. Funded projects need to include collaboration, alignment, leveraging and leadership.

Visit their website




Chenango Health Network

Chenango Health Network

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

Using telephone interviews, a survey, a board/staff retreat and a follow up staff meeting SWB Consulting Services facilitated a compact Strategic Plan for Chenango Health Network broken into several goal areas with a timeline for each.

Visit their website




North Country Behavioral Healthcare Network

North Country Behavioral Healthcare Network

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

Working with the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, SWB Consulting Services facilitated planning sessions with representatives of the Network’s member organizations, staff and board of directors. A three -part plan emerged that included a short-term plan for the current year, a transition plan for the Executive Director (who plans to retire) and a longer-term strategy for the future.

Visit their website

Clear Path for Veterans

Clear Path for Veterans

Services Provided

  • Grant Writing
  • Executive Coaching
  • Fractional Staffing
  • Strategic Planning

Clear Path for Veterans is the premier Veterans Resource Center in Greater Central New York. We were initially engaged to write grant proposals to foundations and government funding sources. SWB Consulting Services brought $143,524 to Clear Path for Veterans during 2015 through grant awards. We assisted organizational leadership with a Strategic Planning process that cleared up several governance issues, developed a preliminary facilities plan and laid the groundwork for a capital campaign for this rapidly growing organization. We filled gaps in staffing as needed.

Visit their website

CBO Consortium of Upstate New York

CBO Consortium of Upstate New York

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning
  • Technical Assistance

The CBO Consortium of Upstate New York was created by a grant from the NYS Department of Health to assist with a broader effort of healthcare transformation. Unfortunately, the funding supported only a short-term effort, so a lot of work had to happen across 48 upstate counties in less than two years. SWB Consulting Services worked in close collaboration with teams at Healthy Community Alliance and Coordinated Care Services Inc. (CCSI) to deliver technical assistance to participating nonprofit organizations.

Visit their website

Believe in Syracuse

Believe in Syracuse

Services Provided

  • Communications Protocol
  • Governance

Believe in Syracuse’s mission is to promote positive perceptions and improve the quality of life in the Greater Syracuse area. Believe in Syracuse exists at the intersection of civic pride and civic engagement. They promote all the positive things about the greater Syracuse area by generating energy and excitement through special events, membership events, community programs and revitalization work. Believe in Syracuse engaged SWB Consulting Services to work with the Board of Directors on a communication protocol and governance issues.

Visit their website

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Syracuse

Catholic Charities Diocese of Syracuse

Services Provided

  • Grant Writing

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Syracuse engaged SWB Consulting Services to help write grant proposals that include multiple member agencies. Catholic Charities is dedicated to caring for those in need while promoting human development, collaboration and the elimination of poverty and injustice. The agencies strive to empower those served to transform their lives in the spirit of God’s love and compassion serving the counties of Broome, Cortland, Chenango, Oneida/Madison, Onondaga an Oswego.

Visit their website



Women Business Opportunities Connection

WBOC (Women Business Opportunities Connection)

Services Provided

  • Administrative Support

Women Business Opportunities Connection is the premier organization in CNY for Women in Business. They support and advance the success of women in business. Membership consists of women in business:

• women business owners, from start-ups to veterans
• women employed in other businesses
• working full-time or part-time
• women of all ages

No matter what the circumstances, members are all connected through their entrepreneurial mindset and desire to support each other in our journey. SWB Consulting Services provides administrative support to this association.

Visit their website

New York State Association for Rural Health

NYSARH New York Association for Rural Health

Services Provided

  • Strategic Development

The New York State Association for Rural Health changed its leadership structure effective January 2018. SWB Consulting Services was engaged to provide Strategic Development in collaboration with Seven Valleys Health Coalition, which was selected to provide executive management services for the Association. NYSARH’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of rural New Yorkers and their communities.

Visit their website




Syracuse Community Connections

syracuse community connections logo

Services Provided

  • Grant Writing
  • Revenue Diversification

Syracuse Community Connections provides a network of human services to residents of Onondaga County, through special events, outreach efforts, prevention, intervention, employment and educational services, support, peer and montoring groups, and collaborative programs.

Visit their website

CNY Works

CNY Works

Services Provided

  • Grant Writing

CNY Works provides a single point of entry to the workforce system -- bringing businesses, job seekers, and training providers together with the goal of providing skilled workers for every business and employment for every job seeker. We were engaged to write a grant proposal that combined efforts of the four Workforce Development organizations in the region, to form a regional sector partnership.

Visit their website


Access To Independence of Cortland County, Inc.

Access To Independence of Cortland County, Inc.

Services Provided

  • Revenue Diversification
  • Program Evaluation

Access to Independence is an Independent Living Center serving individuals with disabilities in Cortland County. We were engaged to assist ATI with implementation of a three year grant from New York State to provide Independent Living Services for youth and young adults transitioning from school to adult life. SWB Consulting Services was engaged to monitor progress and develop an evaluation protocol.

Visit their website

Syracuse University

Syracuse University

Services Provided

  • Constituent Input

SWB Consulting Services was engaged to facilitate some student focus groups regarding available healthcare plans.

Visit their website



Syracuse Community Health Center

Syracuse Community Health Center

Services Provided

  • Fractional Staffing

SWB Consulting Services temporarily filled a vacancy created when the Director of Operations left the agency. The focus of this engagement was integration of new electronic health record software into daily operations and quality monitoring.

Visit their website


Rural Health Network of Oswego County

Rural Health Network of Oswego County

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

The Rural Health Network is well-established but had experienced a change in leadership. SWB Consulting Services facilitated a large group brainstorming session followed by a series of Work Groups. We also did most of the writing for the new Strategic Plan.

Visit their website

Jericho Road Community Health Center

Jericho Road Community Health Center

Services Provided

  • Research 'White Paper'

SWB Consulting Services and the University at Buffalo were engaged through a grant from the Health Foundation of Western and Central New York to assist Jericho Road to document the effectiveness of its Priscilla Project program for pregnant refugee women.

Visit their website





Family Planning Services

Family Planning Services

Services Provided

  • Due Diligence
  • Grant Writing

Family Planning Services relies on collaboration with a clinic licensed in New York State. SWB Consulting Services assisted FPS to explore an alternative partner.

SWB Consulting Services was invited back to assist Family Planning Services to apply for a large New York State grant.

Family Planning Services has a listing on both the Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility, Inc. website and the Onondaga County Government website:

Visit SMNF website

Visit Onondaga County website

Connections of Central New York

Connections of Central New York

Services Provided

  • Fractional Staffing

Connections of CNY experienced a ‘perfect storm’ of bad luck, poor judgement and regulatory changes that resulted in a serious financial crisis for the agency.  SWB Consulting Services was brought in as Interim Executive Director.  We administered the orderly transition for all agency programs, staff and participants over a period of three months.  It took another six months to wrap up all the financial and administrative issues.  This agency is now going through Dissolution with the NYS Attorney General’s Office.


Community Health Center of the North Country

Community Health Center of the North Country

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

Community Health Center of the North Country is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) regulated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). We were engaged to assist the Board of Directors to develop a Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan met HRSA standards when they were evaluated.

Visit their website

Cerebral Palsy Association of the North Country

Cerebral Palsy Association of the North Country

Services Provided

  • Strategic Planning

SWB Consulting Services was invited to provide multi-stage organizational Strategic Planning facilitation that will extend over several months.

SWB Consulting Services has been invited back for Phase 2 planning.

Visit their website