As 2024 draws to a close, we at SWB Consulting Services express sincere gratitude to our valued clients who entrusted us with helping them clarify and achieve their goals.
Navigating the New Normal
Although people are still getting COVID, it no longer defines the work environment. We have left the "pandemic" era for the "new normal". The economy is humming along, but workforce issues consume managers’ attention and rising costs are squeezing margins. Effective leadership is crucial to navigate these complexities.
The Importance of Purpose and Gratitude
When leadership allows constant mini-crises to define the corporate culture, progress toward strategic goals tends to wane. To drive organizational success, leaders must CONSISTENTLY communicate WHY the organization exists, and HOW each employee's role contributes to achieving that purpose.
Leaders who foster a culture of gratitude understand that everyone, from frontline staff to management, plays a vital role in shaping an organization's success. Leaders often understand that the people who empty the trash and answer the phones are the first impression of an organization, but how often do we thank them for their work?
Research-Backed Strategies
In True Alignment, Edgar Papke wrote, “Surveys and studies repeatedly show that wages rank number five or lower as a motivator. The top four to five usually include being appreciated, interesting work, a collegial work environment, good managers and coworkers, and feeling part of things.”
Simon Sinek, in The Infinite Game, wrote, “Leaders are not responsible for the results, leaders are responsible for the people who are responsible for the results.”
Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton wrote Leading with Gratitude. They found that showing gratitude is the easiest, fastest, and least expensive way to boost performance. “Leaders who develop empathy for others are great enablers of authentic gratitude.”
Employees yearn for a sense of purpose and relevance. Leaders who create a workplace culture where everyone understands that their contribution MATTERS is essential.
How do we do this? Align Your Team for Success
To effectively implement these strategies, a clear, shared strategic plan is essential. This plan should be understood and accepted by all stakeholders -- leaders, staff, volunteers, donors, and clients -- so they all can more easily envision how their actions move the organization toward its goals.
The new year is a good time to begin working on developing or reviewing your strategic plan. SWB Consulting Services is available to facilitate your planning sessions. Contact us for a free consultation.